Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The E-volution

I've decided to start a blog as a mechanism for sharing information and networking among my clients, colleagues, friends and prospects. As I sit behind my monitor contemplating a memorable and thought-provoking opening statement for my first blog..... I've come up with absolutely nothing. Nada. Zip. What an unimpressive start to an innovative and technologically-savvy endeavor for SethJoseph & Co. :-(

Inspiration comes from within however this is truly affected by environmental and societal changes. My lack of inspiration at the moment is a direct result of the Bernie Madoff scandal that has taken its toll on thousands of people locally, nationally and internationally. To think that one human being can intentionally wreak such turmoil and despair in the vicinity of $50 billion is inconceivable. This goes well beyond those extremely affluent who were directly affected. The lasting effect is much deeper - how about the house cleaners, landscapers, and small businesses that depend on these wealthy customers such as jewelry stores, retail stores, restaurants, etc. They say it will take a generation to make up for the losses - how can he live with himself???

As the SVP of Marketing & Campaign for the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, our fundraising efforts will be directly affected by the Madoff scandal. More than 1/3 of the membership at the Palm Beach Country Club had investments with Bernie Madoff. This will have a direct correlation to a number of decreased gifts among our critical Major Donors - an anticipated loss of several million dollars in donations. The decreased campaign will impact program budgets and direct allocations for critical social service needs. It will also impact staff positions in an industry that was historically immune to market volatility. Innocent people who have devoted their careers will soon be out of jobs due to the selfishness of one individual. How can we let this happen?

History is history and I am confident we will rise above it all but this comes at a huge cost. Thousands of lives will be adversely affected in the aftermath and I've already had a number of sleepless nights thinking about the ramifications. Our community, the national economy and the Jewish world cannot afford this right now but we must forge forward - collectively we will persevere.

We have to...there is no choice.


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