Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The E-volution | May 26, 2009

Change - (chaynj) v.
1. to make or become different.
2. to pass from one form or phase into another.
3. to take or use another instead of.
4. to go from one to another.

Coupled with Darwin's Theory of Evolution, these Oxford American Dictionary definitions parallel my company philosophy of Brand Evolution - the need for brands to constantly reinvent themselves due to environmental, societal or situational change. Brands that are responsive to today's ever-changing environment will be positioned for sustained and continued growth.

This simple concept has never been more important or relevant. Brands that sit idle and watch the world quickly change around them without adapting will soon be extinct. This is not meant as a fear tactic but a rallying call for companies to position (or re-position) themselves based on market conditions and key indicators.

Today's marketing communications channels are constantly changing - there is no argument that social media has become the new buzz. Who would have thought that twitter would become a household name in only a few short months. Viral and peer-to-peer marketing has changed the way many companies are doing business. Traditional advertising such as print, radio, television, and outdoor can no longer be considered effective stand-alone mediums without the integration of non-traditional channels such as interactive marketing (permission-based emails, blogs, content-rich websites) and social media (twitter, facebook, linkedin). The world is changing right in front of our eyes - either we choose to open them or they might remain closed forever...

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
- Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

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